Great Harvest Bread
Real Food. Real People.

Many things can help you be healthier; one of them is to have better eating habits. Read this post by Great Harvest of Newtonville, MA, for ten tips to help you eat better.

If you’re looking for ways to meet your health goals, eating better can help take you there. Even when “eating better” is a great goal to have, it’s a bit broad for it to be attainable. Goals should always have details and a plan to ensure you stick to your resolutions. That being said, eating better is an achievable goal with a few tweaks in mindset and execution. If you’re not sure how to approach your nutrition goals or you’re worried about staying motivated, keep reading to learn some easy ways you can develop better eating habits in a way that will feel natural and intuitive.

Feed your body with whole-grain bread that is delicious and good for it! Drop by Great Harvest Bread Co. to get a piece of the best bread in Newtonville, MA. Visit their website to see their lunch menu, or call them at 617-928-1162 to place an order today.

Change Your Mindset

The first thing is to change your mindset to really commit to the goal. Understand that this shouldn't be just a phase but a lifestyle choice that will help you remain healthy for years to come.

Don’t Skip Meals

One of the most important things about eating well is actually eating. Try not to skip any of your meals or starve yourself. At the very least, you should be sitting down to have a proper meal three times a day and have at least two healthy snacks in between meals.

Search for the Right Ingredients

Sometimes it's not so much what you choose to eat but the quality of the food you're eating. Eating bread is fine, but you can't compare white store-bought bread to whole-grain artisan bread. The nutritional value is vastly different, so choose wisely.

Seek Balance

Some people are afraid of certain food groups (for example, carbohydrates), but you should understand that they all are a necessary part of a balanced diet. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has an initiative called MyPlate with many resources online if you’re looking for how to balance different food groups.

Practice Portion Control

As mentioned above, skipping meals isn't ideal. However, overeating isn't ideal, either. It can have some adverse effects on your body and your energy. That's why you should engage in some portion control.

The delicious bread at Great Harvest is done with the highest-quality ingredients. Drop by Great Harvest Bread Co. to try it out for yourself and try their amazing lunch menu.

Eat Slowly and Consciously

Sometimes, we eat watching TV. Other times, we eat in a hurry. However, these practices can lead to overeating or not enjoying the moment. Eat slowly and consciously until you feel about 80% complete to avoid the heaviness and be mindful of what you're eating.

Listen to Your Body

Bodies are excellent at regulating themselves. Unfortunately, we’re too used to ignoring things like hunger and satiety cues. These are important in having a better relationship with food. As mentioned above, eating slowly and consciously is an essential part of this as it allows our body to send us satiety signals for us to stop eating when we’re full.

Don't Be Too Restrictive

It’s essential to listen to our bodies and what we put in them, but it’s also important to remember that restrictions can also be harmful to our bodies and mind. Restriction is a common way in which eating disorders start, so it's best to avoid restriction and instead listen to your body.

Take Morality Out of Food

We’re sure you’ve heard about “good” and “bad” foods. Well, foods aren’t inherently bad or good, but we’re used to putting these labels on them. Instead, listen to your body and what it tells you after a meal. For example, if you’re not feeling great after eating lactose, your body might be telling you that you’re lactose intolerant.

Find What Works for You

Finally, realize that people come in different sizes, ages, activity levels, health conditions, and needs. As such, it's important to note that what may work for others may not work for you and vice versa. For that reason, visit a nutritionist who can assess your condition and needs.

Whole-grain bread can be the perfect companion to soups, salads, and other well-balanced meals. Drop by Great Harvest Bread Co. to get a taste of the most delicious bread in Newtonville, MA.

Great Harvest Bread of Newtonville
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