Great Harvest Bread
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Are you craving some homemade pie? If so, learning how to make the perfect pie crust is vital. Pay attention to detail to make the perfect crust. Follow these simple tips that Great Harvest Bread Co. has for you in this post.

Making the perfect crust is vital to ensure you make a beautiful and delicious pie. Making pie crust can seem complicated as it often entails a lot of attention to detail and preparation. However, you can follow some simple advice to prepare beforehand and ensure you end up with a beautiful pie crust. If you are interested in this topic, read this article that Great Harvest Bread Co. in Newtonville has for you today.

Chill Your Ingredients Beforehand

Gluten develops best in cold temperatures. Therefore, put all your ingredients in your fridge a day before or at least some hours before you plan on starting to make your dough. Some ingredients you should ensure to keep chilled are butter and water. Working with chilled ingredients can lead the dough to look flaky or with crumbs. Don't worry; this is totally normal. As you go along, your dough will slowly start to take the correct consistency.

Incorporate Butter by Hand

Butter is a crucial ingredient when making pie crust. Achieving the right texture and size of butter chunks is vital. Having pieces of butter that are too small can lead the dough to become too dense. Instead, grab the butter with your hands and form 1/2-inch butter cubes. To achieve the best results, chill your butter beforehand, as otherwise, you can find yourself with butter that is too soft to work with.

If you are craving some freshly made bread, visit the best bakery in Newtonville. Learn about their amazing menu and services by speaking to a friendly professional at Great Harvest Bread Co. For more information, call 617-928-1162 today.

Choose Your Flour Carefully

Every type of flour hydrates differently. Therefore, before working with your flour of choice, make some tests to understand how the flour reacts to different ingredients and liquids. After doing some tests, you will be able to better understand how to incorporate your different ingredients. If necessary, buy more than one type of flour to allow you to have more options to choose from.

Don't Add Too Much Water

Adding water or liquids to your mix is crucial to achieving the best texture. Water is crucial when making the crust as it allows gluten to develop, creating the perfect tender pie crust. However, it can be very easy to add too much water and lead your dough to become too soft. To achieve the best texture, add water very slowly. The texture you should achieve should allow you to pinch a piece between your fingers.

Add Lemon Juice or Vinegar

If you need your dough to become tender, you can add some lemon juice or vinegar. These ingredients interfere with the elasticity of the gluten, allowing for the texture of the dough to change. However, add these ingredients slowly to ensure you obtain the best results.

For the best baked goods and freshly made bread in Newtonville, visit your nearest Great Harvest Bread Co. bakery. For information on an amazing menu and services, call 617-928-1162 today.

Allow the Dough to Chill

Before you roll the dough, let it sit and chill for some time. Leave the dough for at least 30 minutes, or if you wish to finish the crust later on, you can leave it up to 2 days in your refrigerator. However, avoid leaving the dough out if the weather is too hot as doing so can lead the dough to go bad. Instead, make some space in your fridge to leave your dough safely.

Don't Worry If Your Dough Has Cracks

It can feel disheartening to see cracks in your dough after so much work. However, cracks aren't a bad thing. If your dough has cracks, it means you didn't overwork your dough. So, don't worry too much about the look of the dough. The most important thing is that you end up with a delicious crust!

Glaze Your Crust

To achieve a beautiful golden glazed crust, whisk together an egg yolk and some creme. After making this mix, glaze it over the top of your crust and add some coarse sugar. This will create a beautiful shiny homemade pie look.

For the best freshly made bread and to learn about amazing baked goods in Newtonville, speak to a friendly professional at Great Harvest Bread Co. Learn about the best bakery near you by calling 617-928-1162 today.

Great Harvest Bread of Newtonville
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